Sara Bukumunhe

I was born in Uganda in the early 70s and moved to the U.K when I was 9, eventually settling in Bradford. I discovered the joy of making jewellery in my late twenties, enrolling in evening classes at Bradford College. After a few years of making jewellery as a hobby, for friends and family, it wasn’t a difficult decision to leave my job at a charity for the visually impaired and pursue jewellery making full time. In 2009 I completed a Foundation Degree in Art and Design Enterprise, which taught me more about business side of running a jewellery business. I now combine making jewellery with bringing up my family of 2 children and keeping my self employed husbands accounts in order. I also work part time at Kath Libbert Jewellery Gallery in Saltaire.

My work is mainly in sterling silver. I love the versatility of it, how such a strong unyielding material can be manipulated in so many ways into so many different forms. I often oxidise parts of my work for contrast and I add texture using various hammer strokes. I like to use small touches of gold here and there.

My Buttercup wedding range at Kath Libbert’s is based on simple naïve flowers. These are delicate and understated, and have the hammered finish and gold plated touches I enjoy applying. My childhood plays a major part in the design of these flowers; they are reminiscent of daisy and buttercup chains I used to make as a child, one of my earliest memories. Although they appear fragile, they are in fact quite robust.