Ten Years On

10th November - 28th January 2007

THE MILL IN MINIATURE - A Special exhibition and competition to celebrate a decade of Kath Libbert Jewellery at Salts Mill.


The ‘10 Years On’ exhibition, planned as part of the celebrations to mark the gallery's tenth year at Salts Mill, invited 35 leading jewellers and designers from the UK and Europe to create a special piece of work for a competition which has the theme of ‘The Mill in Miniature’. Taking inspiration from elements of Salts Mill – whether it be the architecture, the workers, the textiles produced there or Titus Salt himself, the show produced a diverse and fascinating range of responses, translated through both traditional and innovative techniques and using a wide mix of materials.

A panel of experts selected the winning entry (the alpaca necklace by Blanka Sperkova) which was awarded a prize of £500. Visitors to the gallery also chose this as their favourite piece, and as a result Blanka has received a special commission from the Silver family, who are the current owners of Salts Mill.

Kath comments: “Many of our designers have visited Salts and have a great affection for it, so part of my thinking behind the competition was to give them the opportunity not only to be involved in celebrating our 10 years here, but also to reflect their impressions of the mill."

Artists featured in 'The Mill in Miniature' included: Blanka Sperkova; Yoko Izawa; Cathy Miles; Chris Philipson; Frank Wilson; Catherine Mannheim; Betty Pepper; Sarah Chilton; Silvia Piva; Xavier Ines Monclus; Ruth Jackson.


Tassels and Tiaras


Celebrate Summer