Becca macdonald

Becca Macdonald’s background in textiles, ceramics and sculpture influence her jewellery practice. Following a degree in Textile Design from Chelsea College of Arts, it was an introduction to jewellery making during an evening class that ignited a passion and influenced a change in discipline. Since relocating to West Yorkshire, Becca launched her jewellery business in 2018 and continues to create all of her pieces by hand from her home studio in Saltaire.

​A common theme throughout her work is human traces. Her hand-painted silver brushstrokes document a painter’s presence and the residue from the painter’s pot is preserved in solid silver.

With an interest in both fluid movement and organic shape, she explores the space where liquid becomes solid and hard meets soft.  

Due to the transient nature of her making process, every piece of jewellery is totally unique. Fleeting gestures and moments of movement are captured and transformed into distinctive pieces of wearable art.